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What is VA Disability Compensation and How do I file a claim?

Types of Compensation

VA disability compensation provides monthly benefits to Veterans in recognition of the effects of disabilities, diseases, or injuries incurred or aggravated during active military services.  The program also provides monthly payments to surviving spouse, dependents children, and dependent parents in recognition of the economic loss caused by a Veteran's death during military services or, after discharge from military services, as a result of a service-connected disability.

Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation: Monthly Tax-Free Support for Injured or Veterans

One of the crucial support systems provided to veterans by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the disability compensation program. This program offers a monthly tax-free payment to veterans who have become sick or injured while serving in the military. Additionally, it extends its support to veterans whose military service has worsened an existing condition.  The benefit amount is graduated according to the degree of the Veteran's disability on a scale from 10 percent to 100 percent, in increments of 10 percent.  

Compensation may also be paid for disabilities that are considered related or secondary to disabilities occurring in service, as well as for disabilities presumed to be related to circumstances of military service, even if they arise after service. This ensures that Veterans are covered for disabilities that may have been caused or worsened by their military service.

The degrees of disability specified in the compensation program are designed to compensate for considerable loss of working time from exacerbations or illnesses. This means that the compensation amount takes into account the impact the disability has on the Veteran's ability to work and earn a living.

By providing disability compensation, the VA acknowledges the sacrifices made by Veterans and aims to support them in their transition to civilian life. It is a vital form of financial assistance that helps Veterans and their families cope with the economic challenges that may arise due to service-related disabilities or the loss of a Veteran.

Understanding VA Disability Compensation

Veterans Affairs disability compensation program is designed to provide financial assistance to veterans who have incurred disabilities or illnesses as a result of their military service. It recognizes the sacrifices made by these brave individuals and aims to help them lead a fulfilling life post their military career.

The compensation is provided on a monthly basis and is exempt from federal income tax, ensuring that veterans receive the full amount intended to support their well-being. This tax-free nature of the payment significantly contributes to easing the financial burden experienced by veterans who are already dealing with the physical and emotional consequences of their service-related conditions.

Reference:  Va Compensation 

Eligibility for VA Disability Compensation

Veterans are eligible to receive disability compensation if they meet the following criteria:

  • Served in the military, including active duty, training, or inactive duty training
  • Acquired a disability or illness while serving in the military, or
  • Had a pre-existing condition that was aggravated by their military service

To determine the level of disability and the corresponding compensation amount, the VA evaluates each veteran's condition based on the Disability Rating Scale. This scale ranges from 0% to 100%, with higher ratings indicating more severe disabilities.

It is important to note that veterans who have received a dishonorable discharge from the military are generally not eligible for disability compensation, unless specific circumstances exist that would overturn this limitation.

Applying for VA Disability Compensation

Applying for VA disability compensation involves a series of steps that veterans must follow to establish their eligibility and receive the benefits they deserve. These steps include:

  1. Completing the Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits (VA Form 21-526EZ)
  2. Gathering and submitting any supporting documents, such as medical records and service-related evidence
  3. Undergoing a Compensation and Pension (C&P) examination, which evaluates the disability and its impact on the veteran's life
  4. Waiting for the VA to review the application, process the claim, and make a decision
  5. Receiving a decision letter that outlines the approved disability rating and the corresponding monthly compensation amount

It is recommended that veterans seek assistance from a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) or a knowledgeable representative during the application process to ensure they provide all the necessary information and evidence to support their claim.

VA 5-Year Rule: Protecting Your Disability Claim

The VA 5-year rule is a crucial safeguard that ensures the protection of your disability claim. This rule prevents the VA from reducing your disability rating unless there is significant improvement in your condition over time. It specifically applies to disability ratings that have been in effect for five years or longer. Once the five-year period has elapsed, your rating is considered a stabilized rating.

Understanding the VA 5-Year Rule

When you receive a disability rating from the VA, it is an assessment of the severity of your service-connected condition. This rating determines the level of compensation and benefits you are entitled to receive. However, it is important to note that your condition may change over time, either improving or worsening.

Here's where the VA 5-year rule comes into play. Let's say you have been awarded a disability rating, and it remains in effect for a period of five years or longer. During this time, the VA is prohibited from reducing your rating without strong evidence indicating a significant improvement in your condition.

The Significance of a Stabilized Rating

Once your disability rating has reached the five-year mark, it is considered a stabilized rating. This means that the VA recognizes that your condition has remained relatively consistent over an extended period. As a result, they are more cautious in making any changes to your rating.

This stabilization serves to protect veterans from potential rating reductions that could lead to a decrease in compensation and benefits. It acknowledges that certain disabilities may not improve significantly and require ongoing support.

Exceptions to the VA 5-Year Rule

While the VA 5-year rule generally provides stability and security for veterans with long-standing disability ratings, there are certain exceptions to be aware of. In some cases, the VA may still consider reducing your rating even if the five-year period has elapsed.

  • If there is clear evidence showing substantial improvement in your condition, the VA may propose a rating reduction.
  • If you request a re-evaluation of your disability rating, the VA will conduct a thorough review and may make changes based on new medical evidence.
  • If you commit fraud or misrepresent your condition during the claims process, the VA has the right to re-evaluate your rating and potentially reduce it.

Understanding the VA Disability Ratings

Combined Ratings

If VA finds that a Veteran has multiple disabilities, VA uses the Combined Ratings Table below to calculate a combined disability rating. Disability ratings are not additive, meaning that if a Veteran has one disability rated 60% and a second disability 20%, the combined rating is not 80%. This is because subsequent disability ratings are applied to an already disabled Veteran, so the 20% disability is applied to a Veteran who is already 60% disabled. Below you will find the steps VA takes to combine ratings for more than one disability and examples using the Combined Ratings Table to illustrate how combined ratings are calculated.

  1. The disabilities are first arranged in the exact order of their severity, beginning with the greatest disability and then combined with use of Combined Ratings Table below
  2. The degree of one disability will be read in the left column and the degree of the other in the top row, whichever is appropriate
  3. The figures appearing in the space where the column and row intersect will represent the combined value of the two
  4. This combined value is rounded to the nearest 10%
  5. If there are more than two disabilities, the combined value for the first two will be found as previously described for two disabilities
  6. The exact combined value (without rounding yet), is combined with the degree of the third disability
  7. This process continues for subsequent disabilities and the final number is rounded to the nearest 10%

Examples of Combining Two Disabilities Ratings

If a Veteran has a 50 percent disability and a 30 percent disability, the combined value will be found to be 65 percent, but the 65 percent must be converted to 70 percent to represent the final degree of disability.  Similarly, with a disability of 40 percent, and another disability of 20 percent, the combined value is found to be 52 percent, but the 52 percent must be converted to the nearest degree divisible by 10, which is 50 percent.

Example of Combining Three Disabilities Ratings

If there are three disabilities ratable at 60 percent, 40 percent, and 20 percent, respectively, the combined value for the first two will be found opposite 60 and under 40 and is 76 percent. This 76 will be found in the left column, then the 20 rating in the top row. The intersection of these two ratings is 81. Thus, the final rating will be rounded to 80%.

Table I-Combined Ratings Table
[10 combined with 10 is 19]
Table I-Combined Ratings Table (cont.)


Veterans Affairs disability compensation program plays a vital role in providing financial stability and support to veterans who have suffered service-related disabilities or illnesses. By offering a monthly tax-free payment, this program acknowledges their sacrifices and helps in alleviating the financial burdens associated with their conditions. It is essential for eligible veterans to thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria and follow the proper application process to receive the benefits they rightfully deserve.

Reference Video: Va Disability Rating Video

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