Well Water | City Water | Djs Affordable Contractor | United States

Which is better for my family, well or city water?

Water acts as the most essential chemical compound to human existence. As a crucial component to our livelihood, the source of the water that enters our bodies is extremely important. This imposes a common question for all homeowners– Is well water or city water better for my family?

When deciding on whether you prefer well or city water, consider the factors that are most important to your family. There’s one type of water that accommodates to cost, taste and health factors. If you’re looking for a pure, natural source with ideal levels of cleanliness, well water is the best choice for your family.

Here’s why:

Well water is more cost efficient.

Since city water is filtered, treated and monitored by the government, homeowners with city water are stuck with monthly water bills. Homeowners with wells have the luxury of not paying for city water. There are no usage fees, and instead, you can use a well and get your own testing and treating services from local water well and treatment companies.  There are well professional experts that can drill your well, install a system and apply a variety of services to keep your water treated properly.

Well water is good for your health.

As a natural source from the Earth, well water automatically tastes better than city water. Well water is also healthier because it’s full of minerals and isn’t treated with harsh chemicals. City water is treated with chlorine and fluoride because it comes from lakes and rivers with many pollutants. While these chemicals are used to treat and disinfect the water, they are not good for our health. The chemicals are difficult to filter out of the water, giving city water an overall questionable quality. Because of this, city water has a longer, more intense cleaning process that causes more problems than benefits to our health. Although these processes make the water cleaner, city water can have an unpleasant look, smell and taste, while also having negative effects on the skin, hair, dishes and laundry.

While well water is healthier than city water, it only has it’s benefits if monitored and treated properly. Well water has the ability to filter naturally, but it’s still important to get your well water tested and treated for bacteria and other chemicals that may exist. Well water contains many natural minerals, but too much of certain minerals can be detrimental to our health. Test your water, then choose from a wide selection of softeners and filters to meet your specific water treatment needs.

While there are pros and cons to both well and city water, take advantage of the water that accommodates to cost, taste and health factors.

For more information or schedule a service; contact us @ Djs Affordable Contractors

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